Bark City Brawl

Video Game
Genre: First Person Brawler
Status: In Development

A game by: Raindelay

You can play the demo on the arcade cab over at Society of Play! (And you should!)

Music + Sound by Daniel Shae



Hoo boy.

This began as a game jam over at Society of Play. A couple of us who knew each other sat down with a few unfamiliar faces and got to brainstorming. The constraints of the jam were simple: we were to spend a month building a game roughly in the style of "1995" and we were supposed to be directly competing with another franchise from within that decade. So, naturally, we picked Wolfenstein. And made it a brawler. With dogs. Because "Woof & Stein".

Somewhere in the 3rd week of the jam, things got serious and we started pulling some incredibly long work days, turning out a pretty wonderful product. When it came time to present the game, DSoP had to postpone five days because of stormy weather. We took the opportunity to crank it into overdrive.

The game went so well, we decided to start a production team called Raindelay. Soon after, we were presented with an opportunity for a free both and presentation slot at the first iteration of DreamHack Dallas (big, BIG thanks to DSoP and Dallas IGDA). Ho-Seh took care of all the groundwork to get us signed-up, we changed the game's name from "Woof & Stein" to "Bark City Brawl" (to avoid litigation), and then we were off.

DreamHack was incredible. I lost sleep, opting to instead lay awake grinning like an idiot because kids had been running around talking about how awesome our game was, totally ready to buy it only six weeks into development. It was one of the greatest and most memorable experiences of my life.

So stay tuned. We're really just getting started, and there is much, much more planned.

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Warp to a Game or Project

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Do you need music + sound design for your video game, film, or other multimedia project? If yes, kindly or otherwise click one of the many email icons and drop us a line.
We look forward to hearing from you!